An Example of A Natural Cancer Treatment Protocol
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Drink plenty of pure water and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Water is essential for all healthy life; however, regular tap water contains trace amounts of hundreds to thousands of pesticides, carcinogens and other industrial pollutants. For that reason, the author recommends only the purest drinking water, such as reverse osmosis filtered water. Don’t overdo the sunshine, but sunshine is essential to the production of vitamin D, and strange as it may sound, has been found to be essential in warding off melanoma as well as other cancers.
Exercise in moderation. Regular exercise does not have to be grueling, but it is essential. Exercise stimulates the immune system, stimulates the production of natural human growth hormone, stimulates the production of hormones and pheromones that make us happier and healthier, and simply leads to a longer and happier life period. Innumerable studies have demonstrated the overall health benefits of exercise and the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle lacking in exercise. It is not a coincidence that studies have shown that those who exercise only a few hours each week have up to 50% less chance of developing many different kinds of cancer.
Trace minerals are essential in beating cancer and are in fact essential to virtually all of the body’s important processes when it comes to utilizing vitamins, minerals and enzymes for good health. Two hundred years ago, the top layer of our soil contained up to 80 or more different minerals. Today, farming has stripped soils the world over of all but a handful of minerals, and even those remaining minerals are at levels that are only fractions of what were in the soil 100 years ago and continuing to decline. Man was designed to utilize at least 60 trace minerals on a daily basis, and did so for thousands of years by eating the plants that processed such minerals (and the animals that ate the plants with processed minerals). The only way to get an adequate supply now is to supplement, and the very best supplementation is from plant derived minerals, such as those that come from the famous prehistoric vegetable plant deposits in Utah and contain 75 trace minerals. Those who take them regularly report remarkable improvements in their health (and the author himself takes them religiously each and every day).
The next element of beating your disease and keeping it at bay is to go on the attack. As a matter of fact, all of the elements of this anti-cancer and disease protocol are elements of attack, because they make the body strong and inhospitable to disease. What I am talking about here is more than just making the body inhospitable to your disease – I am talking about going on the attack and wiping it out! In the case of cancer, there are many very potent anti-cancer supplements. such as the ones listed above and several others.
One such supplement, named Sutherlandia OPC (not to be confused with the European antioxidant of the same name), based on a remedy I have researched and written about, has been used for the past three plus years in South Africa to treat HIV and cancer. Of well over 400 HIV patients, all are still alive and well with their symptoms either reversed or stabilized. Of over 100 cancer patients, only 8 did not survive (5 were in their very final days and could not hold down the supplement and another three succumbed to organ failure as a likely result of prior traditional Western treatment via chemo). All the rest, save two who stopped taking the supplement once the tumors were gone and returned to their old lifestyles (and had the cancer return), are now alive and cancer free or else have their cancers in remission and tumors continuing to shrink. Compare that with the results of any mainstream medicine or treatment!
Perhaps the supreme cancer destroyer I have found is Inositol/IP6, such as is found in the product Cell Forte. A one to two month intensive regimen is best. According to several users I have spoken with, it seems to just melt away tumors in a very short time period, and works well to normalize the PSA readings in prostate cancer sufferers. One caution – Inositol/IP6 may deplete minerals and/or interfere with mineral absorption, especially calcium and magnesium. Be sure to get plenty of Calcium and Magnesium (a good thing to do anyway) and take a good mineral supplement, preferably plant derived minerals (a second good thing to do anyway). Also, I believe that it is good to only take a maintenance dose most of the time and to take occasional breaks from the maintenance dose of up to one month. No more than one or two yearly intensive regimens is recommended.
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