Cancer Fund Raising and Donations – An Event Severely Lacking in Common Sense
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There are several types of HCAs, but they all have one thing in common — they predispose the body to cancer; in most cases, cancer of the colon, liver, and breast.
Grilled and fried foods are more detrimental than broiled foods in this regard. Also, longer cooking produces larger numbers of HCAs, as a University of Minnesota study clearly demonstrated when it reported that women who ate well-done hamburgers were at greater risk for breast cancer than women who ate their burgers less well done.
- Gary Null’s Power Aging by Gary NullWomen with midabdominal girth expansion and obesity produce more estrogen and place themselves at risk for developing breast cancer. Alcohol consumption increases estrogen levels and the incidence of breast cancer in women. Other dietary influences are the eating of grilled and fried meat. Grilling and frying produce some of the same cancer-causing substances that are found in cigarette smoke.
- Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation by Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.The following factors contribute to the development of cancer: • Pro-carcinogens: initially harmless substances that may be altered in the body to induce cancer.
Examples: The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that are present in condensed smoke from cigarettes, automobile emissions, grilled foods, fireplace residues, and the like are examples. Largely inert by themselves, liver enzymes can attack these substances with reactive oxygen species to produce carcinogens that react with DNA unless intercepted and deactivated.
- The Green Tea Book by Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria ToewsA recent study of 47,909 men found that eating broccoli and cabbage on a regular basis (five or more servings per week) significantly reduces the risk of bladder cancer. Reduce your consumption of charcoal-grilled meats and fish. These foods contain heterocyclic amines (HCA), which are linked to bladder cancer. HCAs are formed from creatine, a protein that is destroyed by microwave cooking. Therefore, if you must eat charcoal-grilled meats or fish, microwave the meat for one minute before grilling.
- Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC