Choosing An Alternative Cancer Treatment – How A Breast Cancer Sufferer Made Her Decision
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When one is diagnosed with the much-dreaded disease called “cancer”, the shock and fear which grips the person can literally be crippling. As the dust settles, after asking the “how’s” and the “why me’s”, is a very important question – “what next?”
This question can be tough even for people who are well-versed in natural and alternative cancer healing modalities, let alone those who do not have any knowledge or information on this area. This interview which Barbara carried out with Dr Crescence Allen, psychologist, health advocate and life coach, provides some much needed guiding light. Be empowered, and know that there are options that work. Do not succumb to the fear mongering of the Cancer Industry.
Please note that the emphasis (bold) was put in place by me and not Barbara, to highlight areas which, in my view, are of particular significance.
Dr. Crescence Allen Reveals Why She Chose Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments
by Barbara Minton
At the close of the White Rose Symposium on contemporary health issues, leading psychologist, health advocate and life coach Crescence Allen agreed to be interviewed about her bout with breast cancer and her decision to forgo the “standard of care” in favor of pursuing alternative treatments. Crescence’s expertise includes child development, learning theory, and stress management. She is the author of Adaptive Coping Strategies of High Mastery Caregivers. She is also an herbalist and hypno-therapist.
Crescence was simultaneously diagnosed with two different forms of breast cancer for which she underwent surgery. Before she was even approaching full recovery from that ordeal, she was bombarded with a list of statistics by an oncologist and a radiologist who were eager to recruit her into their treatments. She reports leaving their office in a state of fright, horror and intimidation. For a short period of time she was in a state of shock that left her unable to think clearly and advocate for herself. But due to her background and knowledge base, she was able to rally and regain her ability to think clearly. It was at this point that she made the decision to reject the traditional medical model and embrace an alternative treatment modality.
Barbara: Author Danielle Steele compares a diagnosis of breast cancer to being struck by lightening. What did this diagnosis mean to you?
Crescence: Not that. It wasn’t a surprise. I think some part of me knew that I had it. I had a dream that must have pertained to what was coming in my future. What really bowled me over was the trip to the doctor. Historically I have a hospital, doctor anxiety issue.
People are either shocked or say they always knew, and I think that the way a person responds depends on which end of this continuum she is on. I can only speak for myself. I viewed having breast cancer as a wake up call to look at my own life, lifestyle and personal psychology rather than it being a terrifying assault. I viewed it as a growth opportunity. Of course I had to force myself to view it that way, but I would rather take that position than view myself as at the mercy of randomness.
Reading what Crescence said, was as if I wrote it myself. I feel the exact same way about how I was treated after surgery for my breast cancer (stage 3 or 4). I refused even to have a PET Scan done, is CT scans are now known to CAUSE cancer and I didn’t need any more of it! Anyhow, I am doing nutrition and supplement therapy, along with exercising and keeping my weight down. I feel great and don’t even think about the fact I have or had cancer